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CPG offices will close on Wednesday, December 31, at 3:00 PM ET - Thursday, January 2 at 8:30 AM ET.

Church Pension Group | International Travel Insurance

International Travel Insurance

International travel insurance protects your people* against any unexpected injuries, illnesses, or travel risks while traveling abroad on behalf of your organization.

Many stateside health plans do not protect policyholders while they are abroad.

So when you attend a convocation overseas, travel to a remote part of the world to carry out missionary work, or visit with a companion community abroad, you should consider arranging for an international package policy.

The word package in the name should indicate that this is much more than simple travel insurance coverage.

For most buyers, the most significant benefit comes from the health coverage which, in addition to providing benefits including emergency evacuation, medical treatment, and travel services in the event of injury or sickness, also includes repatriation of mortal remains in the case of death.

Foreign general liability and foreign automobile liability, respectively, will protect your organization and your people from civil liability for bodily injury or property damage caused or claimed abroad, as well as for vehicular bodily injury or property damage caused or claimed abroad.

It also provides foreign workers’ compensation benefits to U.S. workers injured in the course of their employment while outside the U.S. and insures the employer against employer’s liability incurred through an overseas workplace occurrence.

In addition, the organization and its people are covered against foreign abduction and ransom or extortion, which typically covers ransom payments, loss of ransom monies in transit or delivery, crisis management expenses, consultants’ fees, liability settlements, judgments and defense costs, and death or dismemberment.

Back at home, you can obtain travel accident and sickness insurance to protect travelers and participants in day schools, day camps, and off-site athletic or recreational activities from medical expenses associated with accidental injury or sickness they sustain while participating in such programs.

*Including employees, vestry members, directors, trustees, and volunteers.


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