Holiday Hours - New Year's Day

CPG offices will close on Wednesday, December 31, at 3:00 PM ET - Thursday, January 2 at 8:30 AM ET.

Church Pension Group | Enrolling in RSVP

Enrolling in RSVP

If your employer participates in the RSVP plan, enrolling is easy.

  1. Complete the Employee Enrollment Form and return it to your employer.
  2. Once you are notified, create a login to your Retirement Savings Account with Fidelity NetBenefits.
  3. Update your investment options, if you wish.
  4. Designate beneficiaries.

If your employer does not currently participate, the employer should complete the Employer Adoption Agreement before you can be enrolled. Contact us at (866) 802-6333, Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM ET if you have any questions.

Starting now can have an impact on your account.

Your decision to start today could give you a bit more savings at retirement than starting five years from now.

Potential growth if you contribute $100 of your paycheck monthly
  Potential account value in ten years Potential account value in 20 years
Start today $16,580 $49,195
Wait five years to start $6,901 $30,155
  $9,679 difference $19,040 difference

This hypothetical illustration is based on the certain assumptions.

This hypothetical illustration is for educational purposes. Actual benefits are provided solely according to the terms of the plan. A participant’s actual account balance at any point in the future will be determined by the contributions that have been made, any plan or account activity, and any investment gains or losses that may occur. The illustrations of future balances should in no way be construed to imply any guarantee of future employment.

Retirement Savings Plan Disclaimer